How Do You Fit In
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With five students the energy dynamic and input-output from the group allows everyone to understand quickly, thoroughly and to learn from the mistakes which the others make (and which you would probably make, too).
Don't worry about the speed at which you learn.
Everyone in each group will be learning at, more or less, the same speed.
Once I have assessed your learning capabilities, I'll group you with other students of similar capability.
Assessment is FOC.

The first two terms have 39 sessions each.
One session lasts 90 minutes and we'll have three sessions, per week, during term time.
So that makes thirty nine sessions over thirteen weeks.
All six of us (which includes me) will be 6-way conferencing across the internet.
This means that each one of us will hear what each one of us is saying.
The final term, which is pre-exam, we will have four sessions per week.

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