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Hi! Mathematics are important for many reasons.
Scientists need it. Rocket scientists definitely need it. Medical research needs it.
Financial modelling wizards need it, too.
But so too, do architects, designers, metal fabricators, carpenters.
It might be shorter if I list those who don't need maths.
Bus/train drivers, policemen, firemen, cooks, journalists, most manual workers except landscape gardeners.
And coming down to a more mundane, day-to-day existence level, you'll need it, should you want to help your brain develop - simply by making it work a bit harder.
You heard the idiomatic expression, 'Use it, or lose it'.
Well, it applies to the neurological connections in your brain, as it does to many other aspects of your life.
Should you choose not to develop the creative power of your brain, then save your time, your parents'/guardians' money and don't join one of my online classes.
Thank you for visiting my site. I value and appreciate your interest.
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